Protection Stepped Up For Whaler Sharks
12th March 2009 -
Views: 1506
New laws now prohibit recreational fishers from taking whaler sharks, with an interdorsal fin
length exceeding 70cm, in the State's West Coast and South Coast bioregions.
Protection Stepped Up For Whaler Sharks 1
9th March 2009 -
Views: 1307
New laws now prohibit recreational fishers from taking whaler sharks, with an interdorsal fin
length exceeding 70cm, in the State's West Coast and South Coast bioregions.
Crab Fishing Crooks Raise Concerns For Fisheries Officers
10th February 2009 -
Views: 1328
Crab fishing prosecutions have more than doubled in Mandurah and Fisheries and Marine
Officers are concerned about a large number of offenders being caught with undersize crabs.
Crab Fishing Crooks Raise Concerns For Fisheries Officers 1
30th January 2009 -
Views: 1229
Crab fishing prosecutions have more than doubled in Mandurah and Fisheries and Marine
Officers are concerned about a large number of offenders being caught with undersize crabs.
Wa Fisheries Officers Locate Alleged Victorian Abalone Thief
13th June 2008 -
Views: 1556
A 40 year-old man is being extradited to Victoria this weekend to face serious fisheries charges, after being located in Geraldton by Western Australian Fisheries and Marine Officers.