Time Poor Golfers Set To Tee Off For The Heart Foundation

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7th September 2009, 04:51pm - Views: 973
Time Poor Golfers Set to Tee Off for the Heart Foundation

National golf competition is helping people live longer;
Golfers are making the most of their limited social time.

Golfers from all over Australia will be making a difference while the sun shines on their local course this summer, with many teeing off for the first time, thanks to a new social golf competition for the time poor. The competition is called Sevens Golf, and with every round that is played in the event, a donation is made to support the work of the Heart Foundation as well as over 30 community based charities. According to Sevens Golf Managing Director Bryan Trembath, many people don't have time to play 18 holes, particularly those that are part of the workforce.

"I am always surprised by the number of people that have been looking for a way to get involved in the sport, but couldn't find the time or the structure in which to participate." Trembath said. "Golf is also such a fun and social sport, that most people don't even realise the health benefits from playing a regular round" he added. A study conducted in Sweden on 300,000 golfers and published in Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, shows that the death rate for golfers is 40 per cent lower than for other people of the same sex, age and socio-economic status, which corresponds to a 5 year increase in life expectancy.

The Heart Foundation notes that cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the country's leading cause of death, claiming one Australian life every ten minutes. "Sometimes you can get caught up in the rat race and forget to give your body the break and exercise it needs to stay healthy. Sevens Golf is about giving your body that break, both physically and mentally, and enjoying some social time with friends at the local golf course" said Trembath. Participants in the event are catching onto the concept of being able to play their game of golf at a time that suits them, without needing to directly face opponents like other sports. Comments from the players such as "The flexibility is the biggest draw card" and "Absolutely enjoyed the whole new golf experience. Met new friends and fellow golfers who we will all play golf with after Sevens has finished" are a common occurrence.

Sevens Golf is a 9 hole social golf event that is played amongst groups of friends, family or workmates in teams of seven. No previous golf experience is required and there are no set times to play. The event tees off with a charity fundraising launch night at each venue with play beginning from October and continuing through until the end of March 2010. You can find out more by visiting the Sevens Golf website on www.sevensgolf.com.au or by contacting the nearest participating venue.

If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Bryan Trembath, please call +61 2 6964 2044, or email [email protected]

SOURCE: Sevens Golf

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