Sportsbet's Response To "jobs 'risk' As Punters Ditch Tab"

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29th October 2008, 01:01am - Views: 1499

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27th October 27, 2008

Sportsbet would like to highlight the misconceptions that surround the newspaper article that

appeared on page 1 of The Sunday Age on 26 October 2008 titled “Jobs ‘risk’ as punters ditch


Comparisons leveled by Tabcorp between themselves and corporate bookmakers which focus on

the amount contributed back to the Victorian racing industry based on every dollar or $100

dollars of turnover is very misleading. The only figure that is important is the amount of income

that a wagering service provider earns from a customer, and then the relative proportion of that

income that is then shared with the industry stakeholders.

Tabcorp’s approach to seek government and regulatory protection from competition is naive for a

publicly listed entity; demands such as “Tabcorp... insisting that the Government and the

industry’s governing body, Racing Victoria Limited, demand a bigger return on the money bet on

Victorian racing with interstate bookies.” is clearly anti-competitive government lobbying.

Tabcorp’s demands that “Bookmaker’s and Betting Exchanges must contribute on turnover” fails

to recognise the differing business models between wagering service providers which affects each

operator’s gross profit margins, and conveniently ignores Tabcorp’s substantial 17.8% takeout. 

This is by far bigger than any other competing wagering service provider by a factor of at least


Claims that a decline in Tabcorp wagering turnover, as leakage to other wagering service

providers, will somehow affect prize-money, owners, breeders or others within the Victorian

racing industry are false and misleading.  The only impact of any such decline will be on

Tabcorp, it’s profitability, it’s share price and it’s employees jobs;

Tabcorp states that it “ losing bets worth about $40 million a year to Northern Territory-based

corporate bookies.”  Under Sportsbet’s situation where it is authorised to publish Victorian

thoroughbred race fields, any transfer of wagering income from Tabcorp to Sportsbet, in this

respect, results in no change in funding to the Victorian racing industry under current


Mr. Nason is quoted as stating, “ not acting to stop wagering funds from flowing out of the

state, the Government is “allowing the golden goose to be killed.”  In context of the facts which

have been outlined, this statement is a propaganda, a complete fallacy, and to use the analogy, the

golden goose lost it’s shine a long time ago;

Tabcorp has sought to fight its competition not by competing and offering their customer’s a

better quality service, better odds, or infrastructure, but through political lobbying, and thuggish

threats of litigation to those who may choose to align themselves with an alternative wagering


Tabcorp remains heavily dependent on its costly capital intensive retail network of venues across

Victoria to feed its revenue base, in contrast to the 21st century alternative mediums such as the

internet and telephone; It seeks to penalise it’s shareholders and customers by supporting this

inefficient aging infrastructure;

Despite Tabcorp running out of excuses why their business continues to stumble, such as its near

flat wagering growth in 2007 blamed on last years Equine Influenza, Tabcorp is unable to explain

why its wagering turnover on Caulfield Cup in 2008 fell $300,000 in 2008 versus 2007;

Sportsbet CEO Matt Tripp said “Tabcorp must accept that competition in the Australian wagering

market has arrived, it’s here now, and Tabcorp customers have a range of highly competitive

alternatives, delivering better odds, customer service and infrastructure.”


About Sportsbet Pty Ltd

Sportsbet accepts wagers on Australian and International Horse racing, Harness racing and

Greyhounds as well as Australian and international sporting, political and entertainment events.

Place wagers online at or by calling 1800 132 387 (Racing) or 1800 138

238 (Sport).


Matthew Tripp CEO, Sportsbet Pty Ltd 0412 593 636

Background - Australian Wagering Market

The Australian wagering market is comprised of 4 types of industry participants, jointly

described as wagering service providers, that being:


Totaliser Agency Board’s (“TAB”) or totalisers;


Corporate Bookmakers;


Betting Exchanges;


On-course rails bookmakers;

Background – Tabcorp Ltd

The Victorian wagering marketplace has historically comprised multiple sole proprietor

licensed on-course rails bookmakers and a single corporate off-course totaliser;  This has

been the situation for a considerable period of time;  

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Tabcorp Ltd (“Tabcorp”) was a formerly Victorian state owned wagering monopoly

called the Victorian Totaliser Agency Board, and was privatised in 1994;

Various Victorian legislation has been in place pre-dating the privatisation of Tabcorp

which provided the organisation with a monopoly license in Victoria with respect to

totaliser betting, particularly offcourse;  This same legislation also prohibited any

wagering service providers not licensed by Victorian regulators from advertising their

services in Victoria;

Tabcorp Ltd has for over 14 years now been an ASX publicly licensed corporate entity

whose overriding obligation is to maximise its return to its shareholder base, as is the

situation with any other publicly listed entity;

None of the Victorian laws that applied to protecting Taborp’s exclusivity whilst it was a

state owned institution have been formally repealed even to date;  As such, Tabcorp has

received substantial benefits in the Victorian marketplace, particularly in that it has been

shielded from any form of competition; 

Tabcorp has historically relied predominantly on its retail network of 2,700 agencies,

pubs and clubs to feed its wagering business, however now also offers telephone and

internet betting as betting conduits.  

Tabcorp achieved $1.188 billion in wagering on racing and sporting events through their

internet business and $987m of wagering on racing and sporting events through their

phone business in FY08;

The Tabcorp retail network today however remains the predominant betting channel, and

is responsible for $6.853 billion or 76% of their total wagering turnover in FY08 of

$9.028 billion.

Tabcorp operates “ no financial risk...”with gross profit margins of approximately

17.8% in FY08, ie. 17.8 cents in every dollar bet with Tabcorp is lost by punters.  From

this, Tabcorp contributes approximately 5 cents in every wagering dollar, or 28% of their

gross profit to the Victorian racing industry;

Tabcorp’s wagering turnover has been stagnant over the past 3 years, with little or

negative growth ($9.028b FY08, $9.114b FY07, 8.739b FY06), despite a growing

Australian wagering market place;

Tabcorp’s share price on the ASX has fallen in the past 12 months from a high of $15.75

to a low of $6.53 more recently, a 58% decline;

Background - Sportsbet and Corporate Bookmakers is Australia’s largest licensed corporate Sports Bookmaker by the

Government of the Northern Territory of Australia, licensed to conduct its business

throughout Australia and internationally;

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Sportsbet is a privately owned Australian company, headed by Matthew Tripp, the Chief

Executive Officer;

Sportsbet offers its services via the internet and the telephone, there are no retail outlets;

There are 12 corporate bookmakers licensed by the Government of the Northern


Sportsbet is authorised to publish Victorian thoroughbred race fields by Racing Victoria

Limited, Victorian harness race fields by Harness Racing Victoria and Victorian

greyhound race fields by Greyhound racing Victoria;

Sportsbet offers fixed odds betting, without the benefits of a fixed guaranteed gross profit

margin as is the case in a risk free totaliser environment, and consequently generates a

very low and variable gross profit margin;

Sportsbet’s gross profit margin on Victorian thoroughbred racing for FY08 was 2.8%; ie.

2.8 cents of every dollar spent with Sportsbet on Victorian thoroughbred racing was lost

by punters;  

Sportsbet returns 1% of its turnover on Victorian thoroughbred racing to Racing Victoria

Limited by means of a turnover tax, since its introduction on 1 September 2006 by Robert

Nason, then Chief Executive Officer of Racing Victoria Ltd (now managing director of

Tabcorp Ltd);

Tabcorp was the key driver behind the push for race field legislation in Victoria;

35% of Sportsbet’s gross profit on Victorian thoroughbred racing is returned directly to

the Victorian racing industry;

Background – Victorian Racing Industry

Historically, the funding model for the Victorian racing industry has relied predominantly

on an unincorporated joint venture agreement between Tabcorp and VicRacing Pty Ltd. 

The principal activity of the joint venture is the organisation, promotion and development

of wagering and gaming within the State of Victoria.  

Tabcorp “...provides 90% of the funding behind the state’s horse, harness and greyhound

racing...” industry through a combination of its wagering and gaming (pokie machine)


Due to the monopoly license granted to Tabcorp in Victoria and the highly restrictive

state government legislation, historically, the Victorian racing industry has not been able

to leverage off any alternative funding model to Tabcorp;

The near complete reliance on Tabcorp as the historical sole provider for funding to the

Victorian racing industry pre 1 September 2006 has distorted the current perception of

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new entrants to the Victorian wagering industry amongst industry participants, including

but not limited to racing administrators, horse owners, trainers and others;

Betfair versus the Western Australian Government

Betfair is a betting exchange licensed by the Government of Tasmania to operate

throughout Australia and internationally;

The Government of Western Australia in 2007 banned betting exchanges and sought to

control the use and publication of Western Australian race fields;

Betfair challenged these laws as being unconstitutional; basing this argument on the

provision in the Commonwealth Constitution stating that inter-state trade must be free;

The High Court held that the ban enacted by the Western Australian Government acted as

discriminatory and protectionist burdens on interstate trade and therefore directly

contravened that section of the Constitution which provides for absolute freedom of

interstate trade and commerce.

The outcome of this decision has resulted in significant ramifications for the Australian

wagering industry, particularly for licensed interstate wagering service providers in

Australia which provide telephone and internet services which are accessible from

anywhere in the world and have no geographical limitations;

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