Seniors ‘Have A Go’ for better health
It’s that time of year again when the question on every Western
Australian senior’s lips is “Are you having a go?”
The Seniors Recreation Council of WA (SRC) is proud to present Have A Go
Day 2008, an information and activities day which will be held in Burswood
Park, Great Eastern Highway, on Wednesday 29 October, between 8.30am
and 3pm.
An annual initiative of the SRC – a volunteer-based organisation that
promotes healthy ageing through activity – Have A Go Day is a free event that
allows seniors to try out a range of sporting and recreational activities and
hopefully go on to join a sport or recreation club. A wide range of information
specific to seniors will also be available by visiting the various static displays.
Last year, more than 12,000 people attended Have A Go Day, and an even
greater turnout is expected this time around with 196 sites making this year’s
event the biggest yet.
SRC Administrator Dawn Yates urged all seniors to head to Burswood Park
on the day and make the most of the opportunity to find an activity they
“Physical and mental activity is so important for the health and wellbeing of
seniors,” Mrs Yates said.
“Being active both physically and mentally in your older years can have great
health benefits, helps you to maintain friendships and keeps you being an
active part of the community. It can also result in improved mental health,
reduced risk of disease, social interaction, lifelong independence and overall
being, so we urge all Over 45s to get out there on the day and Have A Go!”
An exciting program of activities is planned including Tai Chi, Seniors Golf,
Exercise to Music, Archery, Weightlifting, Canoeing, Tennis, Traditional Wing
Chun, Croquet, Squash, Bridge, Climbing Wall, Gopher Demonstration, Group
Walk and Helicopter Rides.
Seniors can also try their hand at Polewalking, Woodturning, Dry Casting,
Rock Tumbling, Metal Detecting, Quilting, Aboriginal Art and Storytelling and
Nintendo Wii Fit Simulated exercise.
For the dance lovers there will be Square Dancing, Belly Dancing, Ballroom
Dancing, Clogging, Line Dancing , Tap Dancing and more.
New Minister for Seniors The Hon. Robyn McSweeney will perform the official
opening at 9.25am. The opening will start with a didgeridoo player followed by
an Aboriginal dance troupe and Aboriginal singer Jason Bartley, assisted by
Hugh Rogers, singing Advance Australia Fair with the singing group from
Aboriginal Alcohol and Drug Services.
Channel 7 personalities such as Monika Kos, Jeff Newman, Tina Altieri, Ric
Ardon, Basil Zempilas and Fat Cat’s Mum will be in attendance, and Curtin
Radio 100.1FM will be doing an on-site broadcast.
The Council on the Ageing’s (COTA) Living Longer Living Stronger Awards
will kick off at 12.15pm. Music-based activities and entertainment will run all
day, concluding with half an hour of entertainment by Jay Weston from
2.45pm in the sound shell near the Citizen of the Year Lake.
Special services on offer will include free tea, coffee and water at the
Hospitality Tents sponsored by Have a Go News, eye sight testing by the
Lions Eye Institute and hearing testing by the Lions Hearing Institute. Three
First Aid posts will be provided by the Royal Life Saving Society.
In preparation for the event, a smoking ceremony will be conducted by an
Aboriginal Elder on Monday 27 October to cleanse the grounds of Burswood
Park, starting at 9.30am.
For more information on Have A Go Day 2008, visit the SRCWA website at