Quick Cash For Community Participation

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11th May 2009, 05:33pm - Views: 1386

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Media Statement

246 Vincent Street 

LEEDERVILLE, Western Australia 6007 

Tel: (08) 9492 9700  Fax:  (08) 9492 9711 

G O V E R N M E N T  O F  W E S T E R N  A U S T R A L I A

11 May 2009

Attention: Editor

Quick cash for community participation

Applying for community grants just got quicker, with the launch of the Department of Sport

and Recreation’s (DSR) new Community Participation Funding.

Through the scheme, the Department of Sport and Recreation (DSR) provides small grants

of up to $5000 for community projects that target low participation groups, particularly

culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) and indigenous populations.

Local governments, sporting clubs, schools and community and not for profit organisations

are encouraged to apply for a grant to implement safe and innovative projects.

“Applications are now open, and anyone who has ever been put off applying for grants

because of the paperwork involved is encouraged to check out our new short and easy

application form,” said DSR’s Acting Team Leader of Participation, Kim Ellwood.

“Participation in sport and recreation has been shown to have a range of positive effects in

communities, including specific benefits for people from CaLD and indigenous backgrounds.

“It provides increased opportunities to connect with the wider community and includes people

in a rewarding shared experience that makes both them and their communities stronger in

the process.”

To be eligible for the funding, projects must: 

increase participation in physical activity; and/or

enhance the development of sport and recreation personnel.

The funding is open all year round, and grants are limited to between $1000 and $5000. 

The full application package is available from your local DSR office or online at

www.dsr.wa.gov.au. DSR has officers available to assist with applications in all regions.

For more information or to discuss your project, please contact Kim Ellwood on 9492 9747 or

kim.ellwood@dsr.wa.gov.au or Nicole Wills on 9492 9841 or nicole.wills@dsr.wa.gov.au.

Media contact:

Amanda Iannuzzi 

9492 9838


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