Noosa Cycle Classic Has Mal Meninga & Garry Belcher Sweating It Out

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4th November 2009, 04:03pm - Views: 1108

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For Immediate Release                                                                                                                                                                              


Noosa Cycle Classic has Mal Meninga and Garry Belcher ‘sweating it out’ for the kids            

Noosa, QLD-26th October-The annual Entoure Cycle Classic Noosa, took place between October 9

and 11, 2009. It consisted of 40 incredible riders, 7 corporate teams and fantastic support team, who all

bore pain and exhaustion for what Gary Belcher has described as ‘one of the most worthy causes’ he’s

been involved with. Rugby League hero Belcher said, “people should get behind the rides because the

few hours of pain the riders suffer is very little compared to the kids we raise money for”.

The event covered 400km in 3 days and Chief Executive Officer and Founder of the Day of Difference

Foundation, Ron Delezio, rode in the event saying, “physically I could feel my head ready to explode but

I thought of what children go through to get through their pain and it helped to push me up the hills’.

Ron’s involvement in this year’s ride he put down to being able to walk the walk and not just talk the


The route started in Kallangur Brisbane and went 130kms north to Noosa, looped 90km around Noosa,

before returning 130kms back to Kallangur on Day 3. This was Entoure’s 4th ride and Ron Delezio's first

time actually riding and Ron's effort to master the hills of Noosa was simply inspiring.   Ron Delezio

commented that, “riding with Mal Meninga and Gary Belcher was good bonding time” and said that

cycling has, “become the new corporate sport and is great for fundraising for the kids in hospitals.”

The tour route was a sensational mix of hinterland and coastline with gradient climbs as high as 24%. 

Origin great, Mal Meninga commented that although the ride was challenging, knowing that he was

riding for critically injured kids in hospital made the ride meaningful and gave him a feeling of belonging

and being valued. Meninga said, “I got a sense of achievement and satisfaction for a very worthy cause

from doing the ride”. 

The ride was organised by Kent Williams, Director of Entoure, “I organise the ride to leave a legacy

behind that helps the innocent when a critical injury happens’. Williams, a keen cyclist himself said that

the best experience of the ride this year was “seeing Ron Delezio immerse himself into cycling and

designing an event which provides people with a fun activity that will not only change their own lives,

but the lives of those it aims to support”. Entoure’s efforts for the Foundation raised over $200,000

gross for critically injured kids which will go towards the purchase of a portable cardiovascular

ultrasound machine which will be used to monitor and review the size and performance of the heart as

well as use for intravenous fluid and pathology.  

This year’s tour was supported by corporates such as Enhance Group, Primatec, Virgin Blue, Merida,

Propel Investments, Careers Australia, Cannibal, HP and Astrontech. There were also corporate team

entrants from Conrads, Coronis MDev and Lend Lease. A new award this year included Bozo the Clown,

with the prize being a purpose built cycle kit, with face paint and bling and this award was given to the

rider voted by his peers as the funny man of the tour. The winner had to ride the entire 90km of day 2

dressed as Bozo. The tours inaugural Bozo was Angelo Venardos of Creevey Russell Lawyers. 

A post tour party will be held at Conrad Treasury in Brisbane on November 26


to celebrate the

fantastic achievements accomplished by all the people who participated and helped out with this event.


For photos of this event, please contact the details below. 

For more information please contact:

Kent Williams, Entoure – 0414 981 028

Madeleine Bennett, Day of Difference Foundation – 

(02) 8920 9000 or 0424 638 855

About Entoure

Entoure is a business that creates fun and challenging sports events to support children’s charity, the

Day of Difference Foundation. It holds blood donor initiatives and donated 40 bicycles to bushfire

victims earlier this year. All donations raised by Entoure are donated to Day of Difference Foundation.

About Day of Difference

Day of Difference Foundation is a children’s charity that raises funds for critically injured children and

their families. Day of Difference provides

much needed hospital equipment and facilities to save

children’s lives, funds research into burns and skin technology and supports critically injured children

and their families on their journey from emergency to recovery.  The charity also advocates for the

safety of children to help prevent injuries and through community education programs promotes the

acceptance of all children who are different.


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