26 February, 2009
National Coaching Panel to provide important direction
The Australian Sports Commission (ASC) Board welcomes the establishment of a
National Coaching Advisory Panel, a move that will enhance the level of coaching
support in Australia.
The purpose of the Panel is to provide strategic advice to the ASC on all facets of
coaching to ensure that the ASC continues to provide national leadership and
strengthen the coaching pathway.
The Panel will be instrumental in advising the ASC on how sports can develop and
deliver their coaching initiatives, promoting the importance of coaching in ensuring
Australias future sporting success, and articulating the challenges and issues facing
coaches at all levels of Australian sport.
The formation of the Panel supports the Australian Governments Australian Sport:
Emerging Challenges, New Directions document released in May 2008, which
references the need for greater recognition of the importance of coaches.
ASC Chair, Greg Hartung, said the Panel was a step in the right direction for
Australian sport.
Coaches are a pivotal part of the Australian sporting framework and the National
Coaching Advisory Panel will further reaffirm their value, Mr Hartung said.
Expressions of interest for membership on the eight person panel are being sought,
and nominations will be open to the public on 27 February 2009.
More information on the National Coaching Advisory Panel, including the nomination
process, can be found at www.ausport.gov.au
Contact: Chris Owens, 0419 942 704