Media Alert: Sydney Telstra 500 Accreditation Closes November 13

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14th October 2009, 04:27pm - Views: 1179

October 14 2009


Please be advised that accreditation for the SYDNEY TELSTRA 500 at Olympic Park in Sydney from

December 4-6 will CLOSE on November 13. All media are also advised to confirm if they require SEATING in

the media centre by this date.


Media wishing to apply for a SEAT in the media centre should email Sheree Lineham-Brazil: and copy Daniel Jordan: and your application will be

considered on availability.


Any applications received after that date risk not being accredited for the event or gaining a seat in

the media centre.


NB: There will be restrictions on non-broadcast rights holders (television media) accessing the event on

Friday, Saturday and Sunday. A letter will be issued outlining these details closer to the event.


The following is the process to lodge your application for accreditation:



Step 2: Type in the following (please note that it is case sensitive so it must be typed exactly as it is)


Username: supercars09

password: tmpz7B@2


Step 3: Select Media Accreditation


Step 4: Create an unique username and and password for yourself. You will be able to use this username

and password to login and update your details in the future. 


Step 5: Fill out all your details. All fields mark with a * are mandatory. You will not be able to proceed to the

next step if any mandatory fields are left blank.

For Further Information:

Cole Hitchcock        Media Manager        V8 Supercars Australia

P:  07 5630 0315       M:  0412 743 097     F:  07 5526 3461


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