Media Alert - Launch Of The New Western Australian Basketball Centre

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19th January 2010, 09:31pm - Views: 933

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Media Alert

246 Vincent Street 

LEEDERVILLE, Western Australia 6007 

Tel: (08) 9492 9700  Fax:  (08) 9492 9711 

G O V E R N M E N T  O F  W E S T E R N  A U S T R A L I A

19 January 2010


Launch of the new Western Australian Basketball Centre

Members of the Western Australian media are invited to witness history in the making with

the ‘tip-off’, or launch, of the new Western Australian Basketball Centre.

Multi-purpose and environmentally friendly by design, the centre will cater for community,

state and national basketball competition, along with a range of other indoor sports.

Completion of the WA Basketball Centre, along with the already operational WA Athletics

Stadium, is the second stage of a three-pronged sports development in the sporting precinct.

The development replaces out-of-date facilities at Perry Lakes and will also include a rugby

facility on adjacent land.

Launch details:

Venue: The Western Australian Basketball Centre

Address: Underwood Avenue, Mount Claremont

Date: Sunday 24 January 2010

Time: Launch starts at 3pm, however there will be a filming opportunity for camera crews at

2.30pm. Sport and Recreation Minister Terry Waldron will be in attendance, along with

legendary former players Cal Bruton, Mike Ellis and Andrew Vlahov.

Refreshments and canapés provided.

PLEASE RSVP: With Vicki or Helen, telephone 9492 9820 or email


Media contact –

Amanda Iannuzzi

Public Affairs Officer

Department of Sport and Recreation

9492 9838

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