Liu Lijuan Finishes Second In Third Leg Of The Greatest Race On Earth 2008/09

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19th January 2009, 03:08pm - Views: 901

Liu Lijuan Finishes Second in Third Leg of The Greatest Race on Earth 2008/09

MUMBAI, Jan. 19 / PRNewswire-AsiaNet / -

    Liu Lijuan was the second female Greatest Race on Earth (GROE)

runner to cross the line, finishing 15th overall in today's Standard

Chartered Mumbai Marathon, the third leg of GROE. The 20 year-old completed

the gruelling course in 2:57:50, moving the Chinese women's team up to within

just 40 seconds of Australia, the leaders of the North East Asia and Rest of

The World GROE group.

    In the Men's Nations Challenge, Zhang Ao crossed the line in

2:57:37 which was good enough for 16th place in GROE, 35th overall in the

marathon. The result means that the Chinese men's team drop down to fourth

place in the North East Asia and Rest of The World category with just one leg

remaining in Hong Kong on 8 February.

    Liu Lijuan commented, "Mumbai was a very difficult race for me

and although I did not run the time I would have liked I am very happy that

we are now so close to Australia. It was always going to be a difficult

marathon for me because the road surfaces in China are much flatter, and the

roads here in India are not always of the highest quality. Also the weather

was very hot which made it difficult."

    Zhang Ao said, "The huge number of people and the hot climate

weren't really suitable for me during the race. It was my first time here in

Mumbai and I found it really hard. I would like to come back next year again

but would try to train in similar weather conditions to get accustomed to the


    Celebrating its fifth series, GROE sees international teams of

four runners competing, with each member taking on one of the four marathons

in the series - the winning team will be the one with the quickest cumulative

time. The series, which has a prize fund of US$1 million, got underway in

Nairobi on 26 October 2008, before moving on to Singapore on 8 December 2008,

and will conclude with the final leg in Hong Kong on 8 February.

    Also taking part in the series is a Visually Impaired

All-Stars team, including recent Paralympic marathon gold medallist Qi Shun,

who will run in the Hong Kong leg to raise awareness and funds for Seeing is



    Footage shot to broadcast standards and free of charge and no

copyright restrictions, is available from World Television via the APTN

    APTN GLOBAL VIDEO WIRE TRANSMISSION (for broadcasters world wide)

    DATE: Sunday 18th January 2009

    TIME: 1215-1230 GMT

Sports Sports The Greatest Race On Earth 2 image


    DATE: Sunday 18th January 2009

    TIME: 1400-1415 GMT

    If you experience any technical difficulties recording the feed

please contact APTN MCR on: +44(0)20-7482-7676

    For downloadable broadcast quality footage and still images

please visit the media gallery at


    1) Bars and tone

    2) World Television count down clock

    3) Establishing shots and athletes warming up before the start of

       The Greatest Race on Earth Mumbai Marathon at Chhatrapati Shivaji 

       Railway Station, Mumbai.

    4) Full coverage of The Greatest Race on Earth Mumbai Marathon,


       - The start of the race at Chhatrapati Shivaji Railway

         Station, Mumbai.

       - Coverage of the race along the streets of Mumbai.

       - Athletes crossing the finish line at Chhatrapati Shivaji

         Railway station, Mumbai.

    5) Mumbai Marathon male and female winner receiving their

       awards outside Chhatrapati Shivaji Railway Station, Mumbai.

    6) I/V with Kenneth Mugara (Kenya), Male Overall Winner Mumbai

       Marathon (in English)

       "The course is very hard, not easy, very hard, people and the course"

       "I will try to make a good course record next year when I come back"

    7) I/V with John Kelai (Kenya), GROE Male Winner of Mumbai Marathon and

       3rd male Overall Mumbai Marathon (in English):

       "I am so grateful because my team is still leading and I know now I        Have created another bigger

gap and we have high chances of winning        Standard Chartered's Greatest Race on Earth again this year,

I am so 


       "The competition this year was strong because we had good guys and        That is why we kept pushing

the pace and it was good because we are        Already setting a new course record."

    8) I/V with Ao Zhang, male runner from People's Republic of

       China (in Mandarin)

    9) I/V with Lijuan Liu, female runner from People's Republic of

       China (in Mandarin)

    10) I/V with Yuichi Takahashi, GROE All Stars Team visually

        impaired runner from Japan (in Japanese)

    11) END OF B-ROLL

    SOURCE: The Greatest Race on Earth


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