Kaohsiung Mayor, Chen Chu Visits Tokyo To Promote The World Games 2009 In Kaohs

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5th March 2009, 08:29pm - Views: 1070

Sports Sports The Kaohsiung City Government 1 image

Kaohsiung Mayor, Chen Chu Visits Tokyo to Promote The World Games 2009 in

Kaohsiung, Taiwan

KAOHSIUNG,  Mar. 5 /PRNewswire-Asia-AsiaNet/ --

    The Kaohsiung City Government has joined hands with the Kaohsiung Organizing

Committee of the World Games 2009 to make an international announcement for the

upcoming event at the Park Hyatt Tokyo hotel in Shinjuku. Mayor Chen Chu

travelled on Thursday March 5th from the International harbor city in the south

of Taiwan, to present a personal letter of invitation to the people of Japan. 

    Placed in a bottle, and sealed with the World Games 2009 in Kaohsiung logo,

it is literally a "letter in a bottle" that capsules all the aspirations of this

"ocean city." The Japanese media are heartily invited to relay the hospitality

the people of Kaohsiung are ready to show to all Japanese visitors.

    The Shinjuku event kicked off at 3pm, hosted by Mr. Segami, a well known

Japanese citizen that has founded a deep relationship with the island while

residing there over the past 20 years. Among the distinguished guests invited to

the occasion were Ms. Ono Kiyoko, president of the JWGA (Japan World Games

Association), Toyo Ito, who designed the World Games 2009's main stadium; Lin

Ching-po, chairman of Fu Tsu Construction Co., Ltd. that built the stadium; Kunio

Watanabe, consultant to Kaohsiung Arena's architectural structuring, and Fumio

Morooka, executive director of the Japan World Games Association. Shunsuke

Nagasaki and Masaki Ito, the Japanese duo who won gold medals for the men's

trampoline event at the World Games 2009's gymnastic warm-up competitions at the

end of 2008, also attended the event. Other than bearing witness to the

architectural accomplishments of the World Games 2009's main stadium and

Kaohsiung Arena, they felt the excitement shared by the international athletic

community in anticipation of the Games itself scheduled to take place July 16-26

in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

    Mayor Chen Chu said the World Games 2009, will gather more than 5,000

athletes from nearly 100 countries. She extended a hearty welcome to the people

of Japan to join in the excitement expected in the 31 categories of contests, of

which sumo, softball and gymnastics-as well as dance sports and sevens rugby-must

prove of particular interest to them. What's more significant is that the

Kaohsiung games will officially unveil two newly completed landmarks, the World

Games 2009's main stadium and Kaohsiung Arena.

    The main stadium of the World Games 2009 in Kaohsiung is a work designed by

Toyo Ito, whose glories in the international architecture community includes the

Architecture Institute of Japan Award for Silver Hut in 1986 and the Golden Lion

for Lifetime Achievement at the 2002 Venice Biennale. He has a long list of

masterpieces in his home country and Europe: Sendai Mediatheque and Tod's

Omotesando Building in Japan, Relaxation Park in Torrevieja, Spain, and

Serpentine Gallery Pavilion in London, just to name a few. The latest addition to

the Japanese master's repertoire, the World Games 2009 main stadium is an

extraordinary example of a melding of athleticism and architecture.

    The horseshoe-shaped, open-top spiral structure, with its curved braces and

buttresses, stands out as a unique design readily reminiscent of a flowing river.

Natural ventilation makes air-conditioning redundant and the stadium has an

average 3,300-lux of illumination as there are more solar panels installed on its

roof than any other building in Taiwan. Its annual generation in excess of 1.1

million KW of electricity per hour means the earth can do without 660 tons of

carbon dioxide each year.

Sports Sports The Kaohsiung City Government 2 image

    Not only is the main stadium the first building in Taiwan to meet local

criteria for green buildings, this stadium capable of seating 40,000 people is

also the only outfit to be certified by the International Association of

Athletics Federations (IAAF) as a competent arena for international events. A

well-appointed venue for sports competitions, a paradigm for energy conservation,

and a great place for relaxation, this internationally acclaimed green building

rightly stands on par with the Bird's Nest Olympic Stadium in Beijing.

    A challenge to even the most sophisticated of builders, the Kaohsiung Arena

is a mammoth structure made possible by drawing upon the expertise of Japanese

consultant Kunio Watanabe. Above all, construction materials used on the

Kaohsiung Arena are only half those for its counterpart in the capital city, the

Taipei Arena. With a height of 40 meters, equivalent to six floors, it is a well-

appointed modern stadium compliant with the criteria required of Olympic

facilities. This 15,000-seat stadium is perfect for basketball, volleyball and

200-meter indoor athletics among others.

    On behalf of the people of Kaohsiung, Mayor Chen Chu welcomed all Japanese

friends with all her heart to join in the festivities during the July 16-26 World

Games in her city. It will be an event marked by sustainability, human rights,

unity and friendship. They not only give cheer to Japanese athletes but also take

a look at the World Games 2009's main stadium and Kaohsiung Arena that have been

accomplished with the assistance from Toyo Ito and Kunio Watanabe.

   Mayor Chen Chu noted that Kaohsiung used to be known in the old days as "ta-

kou" in the Fukienese dialect, and fate must have it that Kaohsiung-comprised of

two Chinese characters-happens to be pronounced "ta-kao" in Japanese. She

believed that this inexplicable linkage makes a perfect testament to a

longstanding friendship and bodes well for a most successful World Games 2009 in



     Hiroko FUKUSHIMA 

     Account Manager£¬Strategic Planning & Consulting Services

     Tel:   +81-3-3571-5302(TOKYO)

     Email: h-fukushima@kyodo-pr.co.jp

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     General Manager

     Tel:    +886-2-2708-2678 EXT.13 (Taiwan)

     Mobile: +886-932-068-081

     Email:  cc0923@ms28.hinet.net

SOURCE:  The Kaohsiung City Government


   Japanese (http://asianetnews.net/Download.asp?ID=120340)

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