International Cricket Board Honors 88 Year Old Sconemaker

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28th December 2009, 08:00am - Views: 923

Cameron Cricket Club 

Media Release                                      

December 28th 


International Cricket Board Honors 88 Year Old Scone Maker 

Hazel Smith and eighty eight year old from Reservoir will be honored today by the

International Cricket Board for what may be one of the most unusual

contributions to Australian Cricket 

Mrs Hazel Smith has been making and serving afternoon tea for Cameron Cricket Club,

in Reservoir for the past 35 years. This includes several plates of sandwiches, her

specialty scones and tea and coffee each week. She continues to complete this service

now at the age of 88 every Saturday, come rain, hail or shine.

It has been estimated she has made over 27,360 sandwiches and 20,098 scones

which have also become a favorite with opposition teams and umpires ! 

Over the past 35 years as a volunteer she has also opened her house for regular club

meetings, provided catering for club events, and completed the often thankless

domestic jobs including regularly cleaning the kitchen, the club linens and the rooms

without being asked. 

Hazel is well known and highly respected within the NMCA for her afternoon teas and

her ongoing commitment and support of both her son, Alan Smith (a 446 game

veteran), her granddaughter Lenore Smith (Club President) and the Cameron Cricket


Along with other volunteers Mrs Smith

will be presented with a medal by


Australia Chairman and ICC Director Mr Jack Clarke.   

Media Enquiries Ron Smith  0417 329 201

Presentation MCG 10.00 am on Ground Before Play Dec 28th

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