Industry Standards Launched For Outdoor Adventure

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9th May 2008, 06:43pm - Views: 1316

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Media Statement

246 Vincent Street 

LEEDERVILLE, Western Australia 6007 

Tel: (08) 9492 9700  Fax:  (08) 9492 9711 

G O V E R N M E N T  O F  W E S T E R N  A U S T R A L I A

Department of Sport and Recreation

Government of Western Australia

8 May 2008

Attention: Chief of Staff/Editor in Chief

Industry standards launched for outdoor adventure

The outdoor adventure industry in WA now has a set of standards for the safe and

environmentally sustainable conduct of outdoor activities for groups. The standards

represent phase one of the Adventure Activity Standards (AAS) project.

Funded by the Department of Sport and Recreation and coordinated by Outdoors

WA, the first phase of the AAS project has seen standards developed for abseiling,

canyoning, rock climbing, artificial climbing and challenge ropes courses.

The Adventure Activity Standards detail minimum standards in planning, outdoor

leader responsibilities, equipment requirements and environmental considerations.

The standards have been developed for organisations and outdoor leaders delivering

outdoor adventure programs or activities for groups including commercial, not-for-

profit, tourist and educational groups.

Department of Sport and Recreation Director General Ron Alexander said the

standards would assist those in the industry to manage the quality of the delivery of

these activities by using the standards as benchmarks to assess their own operating

procedures. Increased safety, consumer confidence and program quality will result.

“The Adventure Activity Standards are a significant step forward in benchmarking

standards that can be used by public, private and government entities in the outdoor

sector,” Mr Alexander said.

“The AAS project is an outstanding example of government and industry working

together towards a shared outcome.”

Mr Alexander said the Adventure Activity Standards would complement existing

elements of the industry quality framework.

“We acknowledge that most outdoor adventure activity providers will have existing

policies and procedures in place to ensure participant safety and environmental

sustainability,” Mr Alexander said.

“The Adventure Activity Standards will provide consistent minimum standards that

can be used to evaluate existing policies and procedures.”

The next set of standards including bushwalking, snorkeling and wildlife swims,

scuba, recreation angling, canoeing, kayaking, sea kayaking and river rafting are due

for completion in July 2008.

Standards for mountain biking, trail bike riding, four wheel driving, horse trail riding,

caving and surfing will follow.

The AAS project was commissioned as a result of recommendations of the

Ministerial Task Force Review of Adventure Tourism Visitor Safety in Western




Media contact:

David Russell

Department of Sport and Recreation

9492 9700

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