Iconic Race Car Returns Home.

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3rd February 2009, 08:40pm - Views: 1173

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FEBRUARY 3rd 2008

Iconic race car makes triumphant home coming at Dick Johnson Racing.

One of Dick Johnson's most famous race cars returned to the Dick Johnson Racing

Museum in Yatala Qld today following an extensive restoration project to keep the iconic

car in working order.

The ATCC winning 1984 Greens-Tuf Falcon, built to replace the 1983 XE Falcon which

was destroyed at Bathurst in one of Dick’s most famous accidents, has been absent from

the Dick Johnson Racing Museum since late 2006 and has been on display at the

Bowden’s Own museum on the Sunshine Coast.

Greens-Tuf is a favourite amongst many fans and its home coming to the Dick Johnson

Racing Museum is sure to be a popular drawcard for visitors to the complex.

Dick is delighted to have one of his most famous race cars back at DJR headquarters after

a lengthy absence.

“It’s great to see the old girl return after quite some time away, many people ask where it is

when they come in to visit us and it has always been a popular car amongst the fans.

The car will replace Dick’s other much-loved XD Falcon, “Tru-Blu” which has today

departed the Museum for a total restoration to replace it to its former racing glory.

“It will be sad to see Tru-Blu leaving us for a while but it’s about time it had a birthday with

a total restoration.  I’m sure that it will be in tip-top shape when it returns to us”, Johnson


The 1984 ATCC winning Greens-Tuf Falcon will be on display in the DJR museum at 10

Emeri Street, Stapylton, Queensland from Wednesday 4 February.


All Media and Photographic enquiries to;

Rachael Poeppmann

Brand and Communications Manager

Dick Johnson Racing


0423 360 372

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