Hg Heads Up Meeting Of Club Legends

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12th May 2008, 02:03pm - Views: 1355

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Media Statement

246 Vincent Street 

LEEDERVILLE, Western Australia 6007 

Tel: (08) 9492 9700  Fax:  (08) 9492 9711 

G O V E R N M E N T  O F  W E S T E R N  A U S T R A L I A

Department of Sport and Recreation

Government of Western Australia

12 May 2008

Attention: Chief of Staff/Editor

HG heads up meeting of club legends

Representatives from sport and recreation clubs across the state will have a chance

to lock horns with HG Nelson, one half of the ‘Roy and HG’ comedy duo, at the

Department of Sport and Recreation’s (DSR) 2008 Club Legends Conference.

HG will be the keynote speaker at the conference, which will be held at the University

of Western Australia’s (UWA) Octagon Theatre on Saturday 7 June.

The conference has been specially designed for the hard working club administrator,

volunteer, coach and official, providing an opportunity for them to learn how to make

their club a better place and swap ideas with more than 400 other ‘club legends’.

A total of about 20 speakers will present at the conference, including The Western

Force’s Mitch Hardy on how to get a group to become a team, the Western

Australian Sports Federation’s Rob Thompson on the importance of clubs and

UWA’s Sandy Gordon on mentoring skills.

The program will be run in four streams — club administration, coaching, officiating

and State sporting association and Local Government.

Coaches will hear from experts on sports psychology, team bonding, mentoring skills,

how to build your knowledge and important legal issues, while officials will hear

what’s new regarding communicating with the player on game day, learning on the

internet, pathway development, latest legal issues and 20 top tips for officials.

Club administrators will learn how to apply for funding, run a healthy club and attract

more volunteers, along with the latest tips for improving communication at their clubs,

while representatives from State sporting associations and Local Governments will

come together to share ideas and information and learn the importance of clubs and

how to engage their volunteers.

DSR Community Sport and Recreation Consultant Grant Trew said in addition to

hearing from several speakers on topics relevant to their particular stream, delegates

would also learn how to better engage, communicate and work with volunteers.

“The conference presents a great opportunity for club representatives to be exposed

to all the latest information on how to make their clubs better while networking with

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members of other clubs,” Mr Trew said. “Not to mention HG who will provide insights

into the legends he has encountered in sporting and recreation clubs.”

For more information on the Club Legends Conference, including a registration form,

visit www.dsr.wa.gov.au. Hurry because places are limited.


A photograph of HG Nelson is available on request by contacting Beverly

Flower on (02) 9281 3911.

Photo/filming opportunity for all media:


Sport and Recreation Minister John Kobelke will open the Club

Legends Conference and HG Nelson will give an introductory speech.

Delegates from both metropolitan and regional clubs will be in



Saturday, 7 June 2008, 8am to 9.30am


University of Western Australia (UWA), Octagon Theatre


Amanda Iannuzzi

Department of Sport and Recreation

9492 9838/0411 437 325


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