Greyhound Racing Nsw Welcomes Cameron Report

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4th December 2008, 05:47pm - Views: 1765

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Media Announcement

Thursday 4 December 2008


Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW) today welcomed the Minister’s release of the Independent

Review of Wagering by Alan Cameron. 

The Review’s key findings and recommendations are largely consistent with GRNSW’s submission

to Mr Cameron last July. 

Speaking on behalf of the Board of GRNSW, its Chairman Professor Percy Allan AM said the

report vindicates the large amount of research and preparation that went into the GRNSW

submission to the Cameron review.

“GRNSW is particularly pleased that Alan Cameron has recognised that the future sustainability of

racing in NSW requires its three codes to be rewarded according to their relative contribution to

racing turnover rather than each being guaranteed a fixed income share regardless of results,”

Professor Allan said. 


“The report’s recommendations, if accepted, involve embracing a culture of promoting and

rewarding innovation, growth and performance while liberalising the legislative regime in order to

be competitively neutral with other states and territories.”

Two of the key recommendations by Cameron in the review include;

Recommendation 21: The three racing codes should agree to amend the Inter-

code Agreement to provide that returns to each code from TAB distributions are in

proportion to the percentage of wagering generated by each code; in the absence of

such an agreement, the Government should over-ride the Inter-code Agreement

and the RDA such that the distributions from the TAB are made directly to each

code and in proportion to the percentage of wagering generated by each code.

Recommendation 22: Assistance, extending if necessary to short term financial

assistance, should be provided to the racing industry in order to assist with this

transition, but only when the provision of such funding is supported by a clear

business case.

GRNSW Chief Executive Brent Hogan said the review recognises the greyhound industry’s ability

to be flexible and seize opportunities as they arise.

“Greyhound racing has been able to achieve substantial growth, reflected in an increase in market

share but despite this the Inter-Code agreement has not been amended to reflect this and the

greyhound industry has not been rewarded for its achievements,” Mr Hogan said.

“The Inter-Code agreement has always provided a significant barrier to innovation and these

recommendations by Alan Cameron will allow codes to be placed on a sustainable footing which

will allow greyhounds to meet future changes in technology and be paid based on individual


GRNSW will provide a detailed response to the review by the deadline of January 31, 2009.

< ends >

Further Media information

GRNSW Public Relations Manager Tony Richens 9764 6840 or 0437 036 022

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