Going In To Bat For Diamond Sports

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14th July 2009, 02:21pm - Views: 1162

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Media Statement

246 Vincent Street 

LEEDERVILLE, Western Australia 6007 

Tel: (08) 9492 9700  Fax:  (08) 9492 9711 

G O V E R N M E N T  O F  W E S T E R N  A U S T R A L I A

14 July 2009

Attention: Editor

Going in to bat for diamond sports

The Diamond Sports Academy was launched today by the Department of Sport and

Recreation (DSR).

This high performance program for baseball and softball comes in the wake of the withdrawal

of Western Australian Institute of Sport (WAIS) funding. The funding was lost because both

baseball and softball are currently no longer Olympic sports.

The academy is a collaboration between DSR, Baseball WA, Softball WA and the Tee-ball

Association of WA. It will provide clear pathways for juniors as well as the sharing of support

services such as physiotherapy, psychology, medical, rehabilitation and strength and


“This is a great example of sports that might traditionally compete against each other coming

together to share resources and pursue common goals,” DSR Acting Director General

Graham Brimage said.

The program will be headed by Baseball WA and Softball WA general managers Geoff

Hooker and Craig Hamer-Mathew, and representatives from DSR, the Australian Baseball

Federation and Softball Australia.

Former international representatives Don Kyle (BWA) and Kere Johanson (SWA) have been

appointed as the high performance managers.

“Being able to secure this funding from DSR will mean that we can continue to achieve

success at the national and international level,” said Mr Hooker.

“This three year agreement gives us a solid foundation upon which to maintain and build the

already high standard of Western Australian softball,” said Mr Hamer- Mathew.

“We are all hoping that baseball and softball will be reinstated as Olympic sports for the 2016



Media contact – 

Charles Hayne

9492 9833 / 0434 071 753


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