First Time Splash For 'aquagasc'

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27th August 2009, 07:54pm - Views: 1040

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Media Statement

246 Vincent Street 

LEEDERVILLE, Western Australia 6007 

Tel: (08) 9492 9700  Fax:  (08) 9492 9711 

G O V E R N M E N T  O F  W E S T E R N  A U S T R A L I A

27 August 2009

Attention: Editor

First time splash for ‘AquaGasc’ 

It gets hot in height of the Gascoyne summer. The local pool is the place to be and safety is

paramount for happy swimmers and happy pool personnel.

The inaugural AquaGasc ‘Splash’ Week from October16 to October 23 is the perfect

opportunity to get wet, get skilled and get the safety of aquatic facilities and events in the

Gascoyne region up to scratch for a great summer. 

An initiative of the Department of Sport and Recreation (DSR) Gascoyne office, the

Aquatics Development Program aims to have as many qualified teachers and

instructors in the Gascoyne on the ground ready for the 2009/2010 summer water

sports and recreation season. 

A wide variety of courses for people of all ages will be on offer, including the Bronze

Medallion, pool Lifeguard courses, swimming teaching and pool operations.  

“We have a lot of problems keeping people skilled up as people retire or move on from the

region,” DSR Gascoyne manager Salvatore Siciliano said.

“People attending any of the courses may not be interested in working as a person in the

aquatics industry, but will have the skills to step up if needed at a community event or as part

of their work with emergency services.”  

It is hoped the inaugural pilot program will run every year, extending out to areas around the

region including vocational and interm swimming lessons at Shark Bay and enhancing

working relationship with State Sporting Associations.

So get AquaGasc - sign up for this amazing chance to skill up, support your community and

be proactive in making the Gascoyne safer in the water. 

Be quick and reserve your spot at AquaGasc with Trish Ouellette on 9941 0970 or

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AquaGasc ‘Splash’ Week heats up from October16 for all members of the community to

have a blast and upskill in aquatic safety. 

Media contact –

Sue Marris

DSR Public Affairs Officer

9492 9838

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