Creating A Safer Club Made Child's Play

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17th June 2008, 05:23pm - Views: 1500

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Media Statement

246 Vincent Street 

LEEDERVILLE, Western Australia 6007 

Tel: (08) 9492 9700  Fax:  (08) 9492 9711 

G O V E R N M E N T  O F  W E S T E R N  A U S T R A L I A

Department of Sport and Recreation

Government of Western Australia

17 June 2008

Attention: Editor

Creating a safer club made child's play

Community sporting clubs are learning how to create child safe and friendly

environments through training workshops conducted as part of the Safe Clubs 4 Kids


Safe Clubs 4 Kids is a pilot project that has seen the Department of Sport and

Recreation (DSR), Western Australian Sports Federation (WASF), Surf Lifesaving

WA and WA Police work in partnership to develop and deliver a training package to

clubs on the important matter of child protection.

The project has been based on Surf Life Saving’s existing Nipper Safe program and

made applicable to all sports.

Football West, Netball WA and WA Football Commission are all involved in the Safe

Clubs 4 Kids pilot project, which consists of two stages.

The first stage involves people in each sport trained up to deliver the Safe Clubs 4

Kids training workshop to clubs. The second stage involves these trained presenters

delivering the training to clubs.

DSR Director General Ron Alexander said the aim of the project was to increase

awareness of child protection and reinforce that it was everyone’s responsibility to

keep children safe.

“Participation in sport and recreation is an important and beneficial part of childhood,

and the sport and recreation industry has an ethical obligation to provide a safe

environment for children, ” Mr Alexander said.

“DSR, WASF, Surf Life Saving WA and the WA Police are committed to minimising

the risk to children in the community and providing programs and services that

contribute to the development of safer environments for our children.”

WASF CEO Rob Thompson said most people who volunteered to work with children

did so to help them reach their potential. 

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“These people make a positive contribution in the lives of children in the community

and should be recognised and valued for their work,” Mr Thompson said.

“Safe Clubs 4 Kids is a proactive approach. It offers sporting clubs the tools and

resources needed to provide safe environments for their members. The partnership

of agencies involved in this pilot is a major strength of the project.”


Media contact –

Amanda Iannuzzi

Public Affairs Officer

Department of Sport and Recreation

9492 9838

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