Astra Welcomes Sports Rules Review

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20th August 2009, 07:35pm - Views: 1010
Sports Broadcasting Review An Opportunity For Better Outcomes For Sports And Consumers


Thursday 20 August 2009

ASTRA said today that the sports broadcasting rules review announced by the Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Senator Stephen Conroy, was an opportunity for change to deliver more live sports coverage on all forms of television.

ASTRA 's Chairman the Hon. Steve Bracks said the "anti-siphoning" rules created in 1994 were long overdue for overhaul and the existing "analogue-era" system acted against the interests of consumers, sports codes, and choice and innovation in live sports television.

"Subscription television's proposal for better sports broadcasting rules is simple and pro-consumer," Mr Bracks said.

"Australia's anti-siphoning list is the longest in the world and most of the sport listed is not shown by the freeto- air TV networks. The three commercial TV networks just use the system to keep a stranglehold on sports codes, consumers, and block competition."

ASTRA will submit that:

* Sport currently on free-to-air TV should remain on FTA through the anti-siphoning regime a consumer benefit.
* Sport not currently shown on FTA should be made openly available so that new FTA digital channels and subscription TV can compete equally to show that sport consumers and sports codes benefit.

Mr Bracks said this would lead to more and better sports television choices and encourage investment and innovation by all broadcasters.

Mr Bracks noted the recent Productivity Commission draft report into the Annual Review of Regulatory Burdens on Business which found the anti-siphoning list:

* is anti-competitive;
* has a negative impact on sporting bodies;
* has limited effectiveness; and
* is long compared to overseas jurisdictions.

The Commission said that "The anti-siphoning list appears to be unnecessary to meet the objectives of wide consumer access to sports broadcasts (it may actually reduce consumer access to sports broadcasts)."

Further information: Debra Richards, CEO, ASTRA: 0418 236 174

About ASTRA:
ASTRA represents the major subscription television providers AUSTAR, FOXTEL & OPTUS and the many channels that provide services on these platforms.


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