Aspire Football Dreams Success In Vietnam

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7th August 2009, 07:35am - Views: 1185

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ASPIRE Football Dreams Success in Vietnam

HO CHI MINH CITY, Aug. 6 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --


    - More Than 20,000 Young Hopefuls Narrowed to Three Lucky Boys

    Over the past three weeks, Vietnam has played host to ASPIRE's

Football Dreams program - the largest football talent search of its kind in

the world. Experts from ASPIRE Academy for Sports Excellence teamed with some

of the sports' top coaches as they assessed over 20,000 would-be footballers.

    (Logo: )

    ASPIRE Football Dreams is a unique scouting project aimed at

identifying the future talent of world football. Launched in 2007, the ASPIRE

Football Dreams project has tested over 715,000 young footballers from Asia,

South America and Africa.

    The trial in Vietnam was open to all boys born between 1994

and 1996 and took place over 50 football pitches throughout the region with

the help of 240 volunteers. The top 50 players then took part in the final

selection phase; an intensive three day assessment period at Thanh Long

Sports Complex. Over the course of the three days, the 50 hopefuls were

narrowed down to three talented individuals - two midfielders and a striker.

    Ma Van Tuan (January 15, 1994), Dang Anh Tuan (August 1, 1994) and Nguyen

Thai Sung (September 22, 1994), all midfield players will head to the ASPIRE

Academy for Sports Excellence where they will stay for a critical final month

of careful evaluation, training and development from ASPIRE's dedicated team

of experts before their futures are decided.

    Josep Colomer, ASPIRE Football Dreams Program Director said:

"The three selected players will spend January 2010 at ASPIRE Academy for

Sports Excellence where they will be joined by an additional 48 contenders

selected throughout this year's ASPIRE Football Dreams program. We are very

grateful to have benefitted from the complete support of the Vietnam Football

Federation and we feel that we've evaluated the best young players throughout

the country. Our selection is based on the physical, tactical and team

integration abilities of the players."

    ASPIRE Football Dreams Background Information:

    The project relies on a team of dedicated coaches and

experienced talent scouts. Football Dreams provides hundreds of thousands of

13-year-old children with the opportunity to demonstrate their skills with

the hope of one day becoming professional football players with brilliant


    Commenting on Football Dreams, Laurent Joliat, ASPIRE Head of

Marketing and Communications, said: "This exceptional talent search offers

participating countries the opportunity to be exposed to the very latest

training and evaluation methods in football talent detection and assessment.

We praise the national football federation's cooperation and we're dedicated

to leaving behind a legacy as a caring partner for youth sports development."

    Q: How does it work throughout the World?

    A: The 2009 ASPIRE Football Dreams schedule includes 15

countries across Asia, South America and Africa.


        Country             Date


        Rwanda              01.08-20.08

        Ghana               29.08-19.09

        Nigeria             26.09-15.10

        Mali                17.10-05.11

        Guatemala           07.11-26.11

        Costa Rica          07.11-26.11

        Paraguay            28.11-17.12

        Senegal             02.05-21.05

        Cameroun            23.05.-11.06

        Ivory Coast         13.06.-02.07

        Vietnam             04.07.-23.07

        Thailand            04.07.-23.07

        Kenya               01.08-20.08

        Tanzania            01.08-20.08

        Uganda              01.08-20.08

    Q: What is the overall objective of the programme?

    A: In short, the objectives are talent identification and

development. ASPIRE Academy for Sports Excellence is built on the principle

of recognising and developing potential sports talent through a programme

which provides the best coaches and facilities to enable sporting, social and

educational progression.

    Q: How does the Football Dreams initiative fit into the bigger ASPIRE


    A: ASPIRE is a unique institution which provides the best

sporting environment for the development of young talent while also promoting

the benefits of a sports culture for the health of the country. ASPIRE is one

of the best, if not the best, sports academy in the world, attracting the

highest qualified coaches, teachers and medical staff to work in outstanding

facilities for the benefit of helping develop a new generation of healthy,

talented people.

    As well as working with the best student athletes, ASPIRE also

aims to improve the general health of the people of Qatar through its ASPIRE

ACTIVE programme. As part of our goal of encouraging sporting activity, we

are always receptive to working with the right organisations and companies to

ensure that our message is strong and that we are able to access as many

people as possible.

    General Notes to Editors:

    Created in 2004, the ASPIRE Academy for Sports Excellence in

Doha has the dual aims of identifying and transforming promising student

athletes into world-renowned champions across a wide range of sports and to

act as a beacon to draw sporting culture into the centre of life in Qatar and

the surrounding region.

    The Academy is distinguished by a philosophy which aims to

develop the student as a whole, providing them with full academic, social and

sporting development.

    Unrivalled facilities, housed in and around the world's

Sports Sports Aspire Academy For Sports Excellence 3 image

largest purpose built indoor sports dome, ensure the Academy's reputation as

one of the foremost sporting and educational institutions in the entire

international community, enticing an ever-increasing number of visitors and

users, from sporting legends to global political leaders.

    Every aspect of the development of elite athletes is catered

for by one indoor and seven outdoor football pitches, athletics tracks, an

Olympic-sized swimming pool, diving pool, combat arenas, gymnastics arena,

specially designed fitness weight rooms, lecture halls, dormitories to

accommodate what will eventually become 1,000 students, a medical centre and

many more facilities.

    The ASPIRE ACTIVE initiative is a community engagement program

spread across the country ensuring that thousands of the nation's residents

have accessible and advanced health and fitness activities as routine aspects

of their lives. Each social group is catered for by tailor-made classes and



                         ASPIRE TODAY, INSPIRE TOMORROW


    For media enquiries please contact Laurent Joliat, ASPIRE Head of 

    Marketing & Communications:

    E:    M: +974-413-6444

    SOURCE: Aspire Academy for Sports Excellence

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