Aspetar - Qatar Orthopaedic And Sports Medicine Hospital Named Fifa Medical Centre Of Excellence

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23rd April 2009, 11:14am - Views: 1065

ASPETAR - Qatar Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Hospital Named FIFA Medical Centre of


DOHA, Apr. 23 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    Today, ASPETAR - Qatar Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Hospital was officially named as a

FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence. Following the strategy implemented with the opening of the first

FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence at the Schulthess Clinic in Zurich in May 2005, world

football's governing body has proceeded to set a worldwide network of FIFA Medical Centres of

Excellence to ensure that players have access to high quality football medicine.

    So far, ten football medicine centres have received the official accreditation after an evaluation by

the FIFA Medical Committee. This selection is based upon a comprehensive application process to

prove their clinical, educational and research expertise, their practical involvement in the care of

teams and their active commitment to preventing injuries.

    After the recent inauguration of the University Medical Centre Regensburg in March, FIFA

Executive Committee member Dr Michel D'Hooghe, Chairman of the FIFA Medical Committee and

President of the FIFA Medical Assessment and Research Centre (F-MARC), and Prof. Jiri Dvorak,

MD, FIFA Chief Medical Officer and Chairman of F-MARC officially presented Dr Mohammed

GA Al Maadheed with the accreditation certificate for ASPETAR.

    "ASPETAR is a young institution with global goals and ambitions. We are honoured by this

Accreditation and feel that this reflects the strong link between the vision and objectives of

ASPETAR and those of FIFA and F-MARC" said Dr Maadheed, Director General of ASPETAR.

"The investment in world class facilities, initially supported by an international advisory panel, has

ensured that ASPETAR has attracted a multinational staff with vast expertise. This has resulted in

an environment second to none for the treatment of football injuries and illness across the

continuum of care. Furthermore, we hope that this combination will ensure that ASPETAR

significantly contributes to the body of knowledge being accumulated by F-MARC and the Medical

Centre Network."

    The vision behind creating a network of medical centres across the world is to ensure that

players on all continents know who to turn to for expert care in football medicine, such as the

prevention of injuries, early detection of risk factors for sudden cardiac death, as well as

state-of-the-art diagnosis and therapy services. ASPETAR's sports medicine physicians,

orthopaedic surgeons, musculoskeletal radiologists, physiotherapists, and sports scientist provide a

high quality multi disciplinary approach to the treatment of sports injuries. ASPETAR's Research

and Education Centre provides the necessary infrastructure to ensure that relevant research is

conducted and applied through medical and allied health practitioners.

    Through its National Sports Medicine Programme ASPETAR has a major commitment to football

medicine. Doctors, physiotherapists, nutritionists and psychologists are responsible for the medical

care of the Qatar National Team, ASPIRE Academy and all clubs within the Qatar Premier

League. They are committed to injury prevention and have been using 'F-MARC's '11' programme

within ASPETAR and their various teams.

    "The accumulated body of knowledge in football medicine needs to be practically implemented so

that players can fully benefit form state-of-the-art prevention, treatment and rehabilitation," said Prof

Dvorak. "FIFA Medical Centres of Excellence like ASPETAR ensure this. In addition, they educate

and train the next generation of clinical specialists and scientists committed to football medicine."

Sports Sports ASPETAR 2 image

    Uche Udeozo PhD, Account Manager, Hill and Knowlton, Direct Line: 

+974-4181292, Mobile/Cell: +974-5576259,



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