Disclaimer: The information provided above was correct at time of writing
Friday, 30 October 2009 at 08:30am, By Susie Diver
Weather Top +10°C. Another stunning start to the day. The sky is blue and the sun is shining. There are a
few stray puffs of cloud drifting about. Cloud is set to increase during the afternoon. Today's expected top
temperature between 9am and 3pm is +12°C.
Weather Village +12°C. It is a blue sky and sunshine Friday with only a hint of a breeze. Scattered showers
are forecast for later today, so be prepared. Today's expected top temp between 9am and 3pm is +18°C.
Main Range Conditions There are a couple of small drifts on the way to the first bridge, with two large ones
before the Lookout. The snow is very soft so care needs to be taken as there are some holes starting to
appear. The fen and bog areas and small streams are starting to show as is the Tall Herb fields to your right
after Merritts Bridge. Just beyond the lookout you can see the first of the Marsh Marigolds start to appear and
there are a lot of Richard's Pipits flitting about. The walking track beyond the lookout is clear for about 100m
then completely covered in snow pretty much all the way to Kosciuszko. The hardest part (beside the trek
from Rawson's to the Summit) is from Half Way rocks to Cootapatamba - here you are walking across the
middle of a slope. It is recommended that only adults with moderate fitness level to attempt the summit and
that you follow where others have been. The cornice is completely intact and truly spectacular, Rawson's is
pretty much a big bowl of snow, with toilets and interpretation signs still snowed under. Families are advised
to go only as far as the Kosi Lookout.
Chairlift and Facilities Kosciuszko Express is open 9.00am to 4.00pm. Snowgums Chairlift will operate from
November 9 till December 4th inclusive. Australia's highest golf course, the Thredbo Golf Course, is open
daily from first to last light. Thredbo Bobsled, open daily from 12pm to 4.30pm daily. (Weather Permitting)
Tennis Courts are available for hire.
Bureau Forecast Saturday: scattered showers Sunday and Monday: chance of afternoon storms.
What's On The Thredbo Leisure Centre is open from 12-7pm. Waterslide 12-6pm. Self guided walks -
discover a little more about Thredbo with a self guided art, enviro, memorial, ecology and history walk. Maps
available from Thredbo Sports. Fly Fishing learn the art of fly fishing or take a guided fishing adventure with
Snowy Mountains experts, available daily. Bookings 6459 4119
Coming Up 1 November - Opening of the walking season 3 November - Melbourne Cup @ House of ULLR.
Kicks off at 12 and includes lunch, fun and prizes for best dressed. 7 November - Snowy Ride - Motorbike
riders head for the hills to raise money for Childhood Cancer Research. snowyride.com.au
Tip of the Day The days seem to kick of in style, number 10 on the big sun dial. By the afternoon the clouds
roll our way, with a shower or two to finish the day.