1956 Olympic Visitors Book 'one Of A Kind'

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21st October 2008, 10:02am - Views: 1150

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13 Cato Street,  Hawthorn East 3123,  Victoria,  Australia





Email:  contact@leski.com.au 

A.B.N.13 081 928 921

Media Release



21st, 2008


Philip Miskin was no ordinary autograph

hunter.  As ‘mayor’ of the Olympic Village in

Melbourne he had access to some of the most

powerful people in politics, sport and the arts

as confirmed by this extremely rare Visitors’

Book from the village.  This is the first time

that this extraordinary document has been

offered for sale.

There are more than 2,000 signatures featured

including Prince Phillip, Sir Robert Menzies, Sir

William Slim, Sir Dallas Brooks, IOC

President Avery Brundage (who was so

concerned about Melbourne’s preparedness

that he wanted the Olympics moved to

Rome), and officials and competitors from

nearly every country represented at the Games.

The visitors’ book complete with suede covers

and enamelled crest is being offered for sale

by Leski Auctions on Thursday, November

6th at 5.30pm.  It has a pre-sale estimate of

$20,000 - $30,000.  

“Some of the greatest athletes of our time are

represented in this book as are some of the

most powerful political figures,” says Charles


“For Melbourne the Olympic Games was a ‘coming of age’ and nothing demonstrates this more eloquently

than the Visitors’ Book.”

NB: The 1956 Olympic Village visitors’ book is part of an extraordinary collection of Olympic

memorabilia from the estate of Philip Miskin, Commandant (mayor) of the Olympic Village.  The

Miskin Collection comprises 64 lots with a pre-sale estimate of $50,000 - $70,000 and is regarded as

the most extensive collection of its type in private hands. 

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13 Cato Street,  Hawthorn East 3123,  Victoria,  Australia





Website:  www.leski.com.au

Email:  contact@leski.com.au 

A.B.N.13 081 928 921

About Leski Auctions

Leski Auctions was established in 1973 and is one of Australia’s leading auctioneers of Sporting Memorabilia,

Australiana, Collectibles and World Philately. 

Leski Auctions is a recognised leader in the area of early photography, art, wine, cameras, books, autographs,

entertainment memorabilia, medals, coins, stamps, aerophilately, cigarette and trade cards, maps, railway

memorabilia, advertising artwork and posters, and the Olympics, football and cricket..

It was the first auction house in Australia to introduce an on-line, real-time bidding system ‘Live Bid Online’™,

which allows participation from anywhere in the world.  It currently runs 22 auctions per year.


Leski Auctions has previously sold many significant collections, including those of Shirley Strickland, Ron Clarke,

Sir Reginald Ansett and former RSL President, Bruce Ruxton.  It has sold more ‘baggy green’ caps than any other

auction house in the world, and is one of the largest auctioneers of cricket memorabilia by value and volume. 

Leski Auctions recently sold the newly-discovered Phar Lap horse tonic recipe book.  It recently achieved a world

record price for a Bradman bat.

Managing Director Charles Leski is a registered valuer for the Cultural Gifts Program through the Department of

Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts.  He is also the valuer of the displayed items at the National Sports

Museum at the MCG, Melbourne.

The company is located at 13 Cato Street, Hawthorn East 3123 Australia.  Telephone +61-3-864 9999 and

Issued by:

Charles Leski, Leski Auctions  

Michael Krape, Michael Krape Consulting  

Tel: 61-3-9864 9999

Tel:  0403 135 880



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