Weather Caution For The Start Of The West Coast Zone Abalone Season 1

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30th October 2009, 05:22pm - Views: 1425

Media Release
30 October 2009 47/2009

Weather caution for the start of the West Coast Zone abalone season
Thousands of recreational abalone fishers are expected to be out this Sunday morning, for the
start of the limited season to collect the seafood delicacy in the West Coast Zone.
With large swells and strong south easterly winds forecast, the Department of Fisheries is asking
recreational fishers to be mindful of difficult and potentially dangerous conditions.
The main fishing activity will occur at popular reefs along the Perth coast, but the West Coast
abalone zone extends from the Busselton Jetty to the Greenough River Mouth.
Principal Management Officer Nathan Harrison said the season would run for just one hour each
Sunday (7am 8am) for six Sundays, between 1 November and 6 December 2009.
"Our research indicates that abalone stocks are sustainable, but this is a popular fishery on the
doorstep of a major city and we must limit access to it to ensure abalone stocks are not
overfished," Mr Harrison said.
"Last season's catch was around 44 tonnes, the highest for eight years. Fortunately, the fishery
had a strong recruitment last year and is in a healthy state. However, it does have to be closely
managed, so annual surveys are done to monitor its sustainability.
"In addition to the seasonal limitations, a daily bag/possession limit of 20 Roe's abalone applies
per person. The minimum legal length for Roe's abalone is 60mm.
"Roe's abalone is the main species fished along Perth's coast, but there are also rules that apply
to greenlip and brownlip abalone. These rules and other information are included in a special
abalone guide that can be downloaded from the Department's website."
Mr Harrison said that Fisheries and Marine Officers would again be patrolling fishing locations
in the West Coast abalone zone throughout the season.
"Fishers who ignore the rules, which are designed to keep the fishery sustainable, should be
aware that breaking fishing laws can be an expensive mistake for offenders," he said. "Just last
week, an abalone fisher was fined more than $4,100 after being caught in possession of 60
abalone on the first day of last season.
"Recreational fishers also need to keep an eye on the weather, throughout the season, especially
the swell forecasts. People should ensure their personal safety is top of mind."
Recreational fishers must have a valid licence to fish for abalone. Licenses can be purchased
online at
Ashley Malone Ph: 9203 0357
Media Liaison Officer Mobile: 0418 901 767

Report all suspected illegal fishing activity to FISHWATCH 1800 815 507

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