New West Coast Seasonal Closure For Demersal Scalefish Species Begins Tomorrow

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15th October 2009, 12:15am - Views: 1404

Media Release
14 October 2009 44/2009

New seasonal closure for demersal species begins tomorrow
Fisheries and Marine Officers will be out and about in the West Coast Bioregion, from
tomorrow, to enforce the new seasonal closure for `high-risk' demersal scalefish.
The two-month ban is on the take of `high-risk' demersal species by recreational fishers from the
waters of the West Coast Bioregion between 26 30'S (Zuytdorp Cliffs north of Kalbarri) and
115 30'E on the South Coast (Black Point near Augusta).
It follows independent reviews of West Coast demersal scalefish management, which reinforced
Department of Fisheries advice that effective action is needed to protect the future of these
popular species.
The commercial fishing sector, which operates under separate management arrangements, has
already achieved its required reductions of 50 per cent.
Strategic Compliance Manager Tina Thorne said the new arrangements were part of a
management package designed to achieve a 50 per cent cut back in the catch of `high-risk'
demersal species by recreational fishers.
"Fisheries and Marine Officers will be monitoring fishing activity, between 15 October and 15
December, to ensure the seasonal closure is not being ignored," Ms Thorne said.
"Infringement notices of $400 could be issued to recreational fishers. More serious offenders
could be prosecuted, with proven fisheries offences, related to closed season fishing breaches,
attracting a fine of up to $5000 for a first offence, plus a mandatory penalty amounting to 10
times the prescribed value of the fish by weight or by number.
"There has been significant media coverage about this closure and the decision to introduce it, so
we expect people to comply with the new rules from day one.
"All recreational fishers need to play their part and treat these vulnerable stocks with a sense of
responsibility and stewardship."
Tomorrow, in addition to the ban on the take of high risk demersal species, there will be a;

Change to the combined bag limit for `medium risk' fish (including tailor, skippy and
King George whiting) from 16 to 12; and a
Change to the combined bag limit for `lower risk' species (including herring, sand
whiting and garfish) from 40 to 30.
A guide to the modified rules is available online at
Ashley Malone Ph: 9203 0357
Media Liaison Officer Mobile: 0418 901 767
Report all suspected illegal fishing activity to FISHWATCH 1800 815 507

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