Never Miss A Fishing Competition Again

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13th May 2011, 04:12pm - Views: 5723

Have you ever missed a local fishing competition because you didn't know about it? Or maybe you just found out reading the morning paper when it's all too late...

Well now you will have no excuses because a brilliant website called Fishing Comps has been launched, which has many smart features including a dynamic calendar which shows you exactly what dates any competition or tournament are being held on, including all the useful details for each event such as times, location, maps, contact details, rules and more.

There is also a section featuring past events so anglers can find out who won and fish weight.

One very clever edition on the homepage is an interactive map showing the locations of all the comps across Australia, you can simply click on each location and it gives you all the details you need.

Mr Josh Deacon, website creator said 'I think fishingcomps is going to be hit with Australian anglers as most would like to participate in more fishing tournaments but it is hard to find out when, what and where they are being held, and our website will help solve this problem'

Mr Deacon also went on to say ' We need local fishing clubs and associations to get on board and use our website to promote there next event, we have made it a free service'

In the near future the site will also introduce an online registration system for events to allow anglers to registar and pay online to avoid lengthy delays on the day.

To check out this great site got to:

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