Comment Sought On Wa's Recreational Trout Fishery

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11th November 2009, 07:08pm - Views: 1335

Media Release
11 November 2009 50/2009

Comment sought on WA's recreational trout fishery
The management of Western Australia's recreational trout fishery is now under review and
submissions are being sought on a new discussion paper.
For almost 140 years brown trout and rainbow trout have been stocked into the State's rivers and
other water bodies, to help support recreational fishing.
With the exception of the freshwater cobbler, most native freshwater fish in the South West of
WA are not of a sufficient size to be of interest to freshwater anglers.
Both brown and rainbow trout are non-endemic and predatory species and have the potential to
impact on native species and, hence, require careful management.
Department of Fisheries Principal Management Officer Nathan Harrison said the new discussion
paper (titled "A Five-Year Strategy for the Recreational Trout Fishery") outlined the issues
facing the fishery and seeks feedback from the community.
"Reduced rainfall and land management practices have impacted significantly on many streams
and rivers in the South West of WA," Mr Harrison said.
"With the changing environmental conditions, it is appropriate that we review current stocking
practices to ensure we have the right balance between ensuring sustainability of native species
and providing for recreational fishing in defined areas."
Mr Harrison said there were significant areas and fish species in WA's South West with high
conservation values that needed to be protected from non-endemic species, which were predators
of native species or had an impact on the aquatic habitat.
"In recognising the conservation value of some rivers and other aquatic environments, the
strategy provides recommendations on stocking of South West waters," he said.
"This strategy contains 17 proposals on the stocking of trout and recreational fishing
management arrangements for our popular rivers and waterways in the region."
People interested in more details on the strategy, or reading the discussion paper, or wishing to
make comment on it, can find more information on the Department of Fisheries' website at Submissions must be lodged by 31 December 2009.
Submissions will be given consideration before a final policy position is adopted on the
recreational stocking of brown trout and rainbow trout within Western Australia.
Ashley Malone Ph: 9203 0357
Media Liaison Officer Mobile: 0418 901 767

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