Big Fine Provides Timely Warning As West Coast Abalone Season Approaches

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25th October 2009, 02:30pm - Views: 1441

Media Release
25 October 2009 46/2009

Big fine provides timely warning as abalone season approaches

A 49-year-old man was ordered to pay more than $4,100, when he was prosecuted in a Perth
Magistrates Court on Friday (23 October 2009) for breaching rules designed to keep the
recreational abalone fishery sustainable.

Cai Heng Li of Mount Claremont, who did not attend court, was found guilty of having more
than the possession limit of abalone when he was apprehended by Fisheries and Marine
Officers in November last year.

At 7.55am on Sunday 2 November 2008, Mr Li was observed coming ashore with a member
of his family at Mettams Pool in Trigg.

By the time the officers had approached him, the contents of a bag he was carrying were
tipped out onto a rock. Fisheries officers counted a total of 90 Roe's abalone.

The offender was fined $2,500 for the offence, plus a mandatory penalty of $1,500 based on
the catch in excess of the possession limit and costs of $119.20.

North Metro Compliance Manager for the Department of Fisheries Todd A'Vard said that
when Mr Li was questioned he had told the officers he was going to count what he had keep
40 for himself and his family member and put the excess back.

"This is not acceptable," said Mr A'Vard, "because, once abalone are levered from the reef
they are on and removed, they rarely survive if they are thrown back.

"You cannot fish for someone else's bag limit, which is 20 per day, per fisher. It is an offence
to bring more than your bag limit ashore.

"A possession limit of 20 Roe's and 10 greenlip/brownlip abalone (combined) applies
everywhere except in your permanent place of residence, where the limits are then 80 and 20

Mr A'Vard said Friday's big fine was a timely warning for all abalone fishers, ahead of the new
season that begins in the West Coast Zone on 1 November (next Sunday).

"This season abalone fishing will be limited to ONE HOUR each Sunday between 7am and 8am
from 1 November through to 6 December and fishers must have a licence," he said.

The West Coast abalone zone extends from the Busselton Jetty to the Greenough River mouth. A
handy brochure, with rules, tips and information on fishing for abalone is available online at


Ashley Malone Ph: 9203 0357
Media Liaison Officer Mobile: 0418 901 767

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