With Greenpeace Warship Stuck at Sea, Consumer Alliance Urges NGO to Halt Pro-Poverty Agenda
WASHINGTON, Oct. 22 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet / --
As the Rainbow Warrior's crew runs out of supplies, CAGP insists
Indonesia's government stands its ground against 'green' imperialism
In light of Agence France-Presse's reporting today
Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior are running low after being denied access to the Port of Jakarta last week, Andrew
Langer, spokesman for the Consumers Alliance for Global Prosperity
Liberty, released the following statement, calling on Indonesia's government
to continue denying the warship entry until Greenpeace ceases and desists all
anti-Indonesian activities:
"CAGP is urging the Indonesian government to persist in its defiance of
Greenpeace's warship until the organization ceases and desists its elitist
campaigning that keeps Indonesia's people poor. For Greenpeace International
Executive Director Kumi Naidoo and Nur Hidayati, Greenpeace's Southeast Asia
energy campaigner, to continue their plea for access to Jakarta's port is
repulsive. In fact, Hidayati showed her true colors today when she continued
to pressure Indonesia's government, saying, 'We need to get a quick response,
otherwise we'll leave immediately to the nearest country'. That just goes to
show you that Greenpeace could care less about the Indonesian communities
that they claim to be working for. The fact is Indonesians would love to see
the Rainbow Warrior leave and never return.
"Indonesia's refusal to allow the Rainbow Warrior into her largest
seaport marks the first time that a nation has rejected radical
environmentalism. And now, instead of overwhelming communities with slick
protests, the activists aboard the anchored warship are now complaining that
they are running out of food and water. If it's that bad with $279 million
dollars in annual revenue at their disposal, imagine what life is like for
the millions of poor Indonesians that Greenpeace systematically targets with
its anti-development tactics.
"Greenpeace's efforts in Indonesia have thus far called for the
destruction of viable businesses in-country and the rejection of its exports
in the global marketplace. This has caused continuous suffering for workers
and families throughout the country. CAGP stands with Indonesia's government,
armed with a clear message: 'green' imperialists are not welcomed in
The Consumers Alliance for Global Prosperity (CAGP)
between environmentalists, protectionist industries, big labor unions and retail companies. CAGP is an action-oriented
alliance of advocacy groups that promotes economic growth and pro-consumer policies across the world.
SOURCE: Consumers Alliance for Global Prosperity (CAGP)