Try Sailing Day Attracts Record Number Of Clubs

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27th October 2010, 06:57pm - Views: 2149

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27 October 2010

For immediate release


Forty one of the top sailing, yachting and skiff clubs in NSW have pledged their

support to the annual Try Sailing Day organised by the Boating Industry Association

of NSW (BIA).

The popular day is scheduled for Sunday, November 7 and whilst primarily targeted

at children, it offers people of all ages the opportunity to try their skills under sail.

Now in its 14th year, the Try Sailing Day is an initiative of the hard-working sub-group

of the BIA, the Sailing Industry Association (SIA).

With support also from Yachting NSW, the annual event invites all to attend, from

rank beginners to experienced hands, with club members providing their own craft

and acting as instructors for the day.

This year, a record 40 clubs, from across NSW and the ACT have thrown their

support behind the day.

Domenic Genua, Marketing and Event Manager for the BIA, said the primary aim of

the Try Sailing Day was to bring the thrills and enjoyment of a day on the water to

those who may otherwise not have had the opportunity.

“Your age, your gender is irrelevant, you need only turn up at your nearest or most

convenient club to take part in sailing an actual competitive yacht,” Mr Genua said.

“Your safety will be carefully looked after and you’ll be guaranteed a chance to test

your mettle.

“No appointment is necessary, simply turn up on the day and prepare to be taken

care of by very experienced yachtsmen and women.

“It will be day you’ll remember,” he added.

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Youngsters will also be catered for, with ample opportunities to participate in

dinghies designed specifically for the younger sailor (those under 18 must be

accompanied by an adult.)

Mr Genua advises participants to attend wearing suitable clothing (remember sun

protection) and enclosed footwear (no thongs), preferably with white soles.

“Don’t be hesitant if you lack experience, this is planned as an introduction to the

excitement of boating for the rank beginner,” Mr Genua added.

“Believe me, many of the several thousand people who have taken part in during the

previous 13-years of Try Sailing have gone on to become valuable members of the

clubs where they first experienced life afloat.

“Who knows, you could be the next ‘graduate’ of a Try Sailing Day to be aboard a

maxi yacht on Boxing Day, bound for Hobart,” he added.

Those wishing to participate are urged to visit the association’s web site to check club details and operating hours.


For further inquiries, contact

Domenic Genua, Marketing & Events Manager – (02) 8197 4752 or 0412 642357


The Boating Industry Association, telephone (02) 9438-2077, or e-

mail to

The supporting clubs are:

Abbotsford 12 Foot Flying Squadron, Abbotsford 

Balmoral Sailing Club, Mosman

Bayview Yacht Racing Association, Bayview

Botany Bay Yacht Club, Sans Souci

Budgewoi Sailing Club, Budgewoi

Chipping Norton Lake Sailing Club, Chipping Norton

Clarence River Yacht Club, Grafton

Coffs Harbour Yacht Club, Coffs Harbour

Connells Point Sailing Club, Connels Point

Concord and Ryde Sailing Club, Putney

Double Bay Sailing Club, Double Bay

Gosford Sailing Club, Gosford

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Hawkesbury River Sailing Club, Brooklyn

Hawkesbury River Yacht Club, Brooklyn

Hornsby PCYC Sailing Club, Brooklyn

Kogarah Bay Sailing Club, Blakehurst

Lake Keepit Sailing Club, Lake Keepit (Tamworth)

Lake Macquarie Yacht Club, Belmont

Manly Yacht Club, Manly

Mannering Park Amateur Sailing Club, Mannering Park

Manning River Sailing Club (Manning and Great Lakes Sailability), Taree

Middle Harbour Yacht Club, Mosman

New England Sailing Club, Guyra (near Armidale)

Port Hacking Open Sailing Club, Yowie Bay

Port Kembla Sailing Club, Berkeley

Port Macquarie Sailing Club, Port Macquarie

Royal Motor Yacht Club, Toronto

Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club, Newport

Sailability NSW, Rushcutters Bay

South Lake Macquarie Amateur Sailing Club, Sunshine

Taree Aquatic Club, Taree

Toronto Amateur Sailing Club, Toronto

Wallagoot Lake Boat Club, Bournda (South Coast, near Tathra)

Woollahra Sailing Club, Rose Bay

Yarra Bay 16 Foot Skiff Sailing Club, Yarra Bay (Phillip Bay)

ACT clubs comprise:

Lake Burley Griffin Scouts, Yarralumla

Lake Ginninderra Sea Scouts, Belconnen

Lake Tuggeranong, Greenway

Canberra Yacht Club, Yarralumla

Sailability ACT, Greenway

YMCA Sailing Club, Yarralumla Bay



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