News Alert
Rough seas delay sailing ships
entry into Sydney Harbour
The Australian National Maritime Museum has been advised that rough seas have delayed
the tall ship Soren Larsens entry into Sydney Harbour this (Tues) afternoon.
The brigantine was due to enter the heads at 12 noon and reach the museum, at Darling
Harbour, after 1 pm today.
Museum spokesperson Bill Richards said the museum had learned that rough seas delayed
the Sydney Harbour pilots boarding the sailing ship at sea.
Soren Larsen is now expected to enter the heads at around 4 pm and sail up the harbour,
reaching the museum some time after 5 pm.
The picturesque 145 ft (44.2 m) two-masted ship will take the spotlight at the museums
Classic & Wooden Boat Festival this weekend (16/17 Oct).
12 October 2010 Media information, Bill Richards 0418 403 472