Al Mcglashan Collects His Evolution Strikezone 600

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10th February 2010, 07:23pm - Views: 1956

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P.O. Box 2943, Rowville VIC 3178      T: (03) 9738 0085       F: (03) 8740 3115 


10 February 2010



Al McGlashan collects his Evolution Strikezone 600 

Aussie fishing personality Al McGlashan has jumped

on board with Evolution Boats, taking ownership of

his very own Evolution Strikezone 600.


On the water for more then 200 days a year, Al is

serious about fishing and demands a lot from his



The Strikezone 600 was designed based on what Al

demands in his own vessels. 

It was released to the public late last year as part of the Evolution Strikezone series that also includes

the Strikezone 500 and 550, plus the Strikezone 650 that is made only to order.

Al worked closely with Evolution Boats to ensure the new range was not only the best riding boat on

the market, but to also offer serious “fishibility”.

The Strikezone series offer huge sweeping cockpits, large under-floor kill tanks, recessed tackle

storage and custom styling across the helm and forward cabin, combined with a high-performance hull

to deliver the ultimate offshore package.

Powered by Honda outboards the Strikezone range is sold exclusively by Evolution Strikezone dealers

MY Marine in Dromana, Victoria and Sportsmarine Boat Centre in Bunbury, Western Australia.

Al said he loves his new Evolution Strikezone 600 and that it is exceeding all expectations.

“It is one of the driest riding trailerboats on the market and I am catching more fish than ever,” he said.

Fishing personality Al Maglashan prepares to launch

his new Evolution Strikezone 600 for the first time. 

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Evolution Boats – PM Marine Manufacturing      Factory 4, 254 Canterbury Road, Bayswater VIC 3153 

P.O. Box 2943, Rowville VIC 3178      T: (03) 9738 0085       F: (03) 8740 3115 

“Aussie trailerboat anglers have waited long enough for a serious offshore fishing weapon that has

been built specifically for Australian conditions.

“The boat is designed to catch big fish, and I have already caught dozens of marlin out of it in the first

month on the water.”

Evolution Boats director Paul Junginger said the Strikezone series was designed and equipped for

anglers who “want to fish like Al”.

“Lots of anglers aspire to fish like Al McGalsahan, and with these boats they actually can,” he said.

“Al is a fishing icon, and with the Strikezone boats built and equipped to his specifications, fishermen

can now have a rig exactly like Al’s – but with a choice of four sizes to suit their needs.

“The range really lives up to our theme of building hardcore fishing boats for hardcore anglers, and

we’ve recently put on extra production staff to match the strong demand for them.”

The Evolution Strikezone range comes in seven colors – grey, black, light blue, dark blue, red, yellow

or green – all equipped to Al’s specification, powered by Honda and available with a range of optional

extra equipment to suit the individual owner including Dunbier trailers and Furuno electronics. 

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More information or interstate dealer inquiries:

Paul Junginger

0418 136 116 or (03) 9738 0085

Media inquiries & images:

Sarah Dillon


0431 178 187 or (03) 9898 5570

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